Hi there!

Last week we started the arts and crafts workshop. In the english group we took advantage of the topic of this year project (videogames) in order to do a tutorial of how to do pixel art pictures with hama beads. They started doing a videogame character of their choice and this week we will do a video with few steps of how it works.

Keep updated to see the results!!


La setmana pasada vam començar els taller de plàstica i al grup d'anglès vam aprofitar el projecte d'aquest any (videojocs) per a fer un tutorial de com fer pixel arts amb hama beads. Van començar un personatje de videojoc que van escollir i aquesta setmana farem un video explicant els diferents pasos per veure com es fa. 

Aviat penjarem els resultats! 


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